Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kitten's First Full Moon - Picture Book


Henkes, Kevin.  2004.  KITTEN'S FIRST FULL MOON.  Greenwillow Books.  ISBN 0-06-058828-4

Plot Summary:
     Kitten’s First Full Moon is a sweet story about Kitten believing a full moon in the sky is actually a bowl of milk.  She tries all sorts of creative ways to reach what she believes is a bowl of milk without ever succeeding since in the end it is a full moon in the sky.  Kitten makes her way back home after many tries to discover she has a large bowl of milk waiting for her on the porch.

Critical Analysis:

     Kevin Henkes is the author and illustrator of Kitten's First Full Moon, it is a book that is appealing to babies and young children.  This book could easily be read and the pictures shown to a young baby since the contrast with the black and white illustrations are perfect for a very young child.  As a child becomes familiar with the story he or she would be able to look at the pictures and tell their version of the story too.  The images in the book are simple yet easily tell the story without actually reading the words.  The illustrations are rather simple yet encompass the body language and facial expressions of Kitten perfectly.  There are lines in the book such as “poor Kitten!” and “still, there was the little bowl of milk, just waiting” that make the book predictable and because the lines are written throughout the story it adds a nice rhythm.  Such lines will help children predict what is coming next in the story which in turn creates excitement and love for the adorable character. 

Reviews Excerpts and Awards:

     Winner of the 2005 Caldecott Medal

     The New York Times Book Review - "His drawing style is rowdy, exuberant, equal parts late Arnold Lobel and early Maurice Sendak.  His hero's are admirably tenacious, plucky and equal to whatever task, lesson or sorrow Mr. Henkes supplies for them.  His writing has a concise wit that is rare in children's books....There is also an emotional context to Mr. Henkes's picture-book work that is equally rare....His work rings true."
  • There are so many actions that take place in this book it would be fun for young children to act out the movements while the story is being told.  Read the book one time through so the children become familiar with the story and then the second time have the children pretend they see a full moon, pretend they are jump for the moon, climbing a tree, etc.  This will help them connect with the book and the written word. 
  • Felt Boards are a great way to help children connect with a story.  Kitten's First Full Moon should be read aloud the first time through, during the second reading incorporating pieces of the story into a felt board story would help the children get a visual for the story and watch it come together on the felt board.
  • Other picture books that deal with imagination and curiosity would include LITTLE WHITE RABBIT by Kevin Henkes ISBN 0062006428 and OLD BEAR by Kevin Henkes ISBN 0061552054.

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